Note: These policies are subject to change. The user is responsible for reviewing the latest policies on the website of Drake Information Technology Services. Any new policy takes effect the day it is posted.
It is the intent of Drake University to provide a quality technological environment for the University community in which certain standards are observed. Use of University technology resources is a privilege and not a right. Therefore, use of such resources is contingent upon compliance with University policies and standards and all governing federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All Drake University students are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with these policies.
To see the list of technology resources and services available to students, go to
Requirements for Use of University Technology Resources
Students must:
1. Comply with the University’s policies on:
2. Understand and agree that use of Drake University technology resources indicates acceptance of these policies.
3. Understand that the use of a personally owned computer that is on the Drake network obligates the owner to comply with these policies.
4. Obtain necessary accounts and passwords and be responsible for maintaining the security of all accounts and passwords.
5. Understand University computer facilities and electronic classrooms are established for educational purposes and those purposes must take priority.
Acceptable Use of Drake’s Technology Resources
The purpose of Drake University’s Information Technology resources is to support education, research, and communication. The following activities are acceptable uses of Drake’s information technology environment:
1. Instructional use in Drake University classes and class assignments;
2. Student research;
3. Official work of recognized student and campus organizations, and agencies of the University;
4. Electronic communication that supports instruction, research, or official work of students, faculty, administration, and staff;
5. Personal use by authorized users that does not interrupt or diminish access to resources for other users and does not violate any applicable law, regulation, or University policy.
It is a violation of the Drake University Acceptable Use Policy to:
1. Violate computer software license agreements, whether licensed to the University or to the individual.
2. Violate Copyright Law in any manner, including, but not limited to, downloading copyrighted audio, video, graphics, or text materials from the Internet without proof of proper licensing arrangements, or engaging in illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing.
3. Use another person’s account or PIN or give your password, PIN, or identification to another person for the purpose of gaining access to a University-owned computer, network, or database resource. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized use of an account, use of an account for a purpose for which it was not intended, or use of another person’s email address. Changing another person’s password may be considered harassment. Users are responsible for safeguarding their identifications and passwords. Each user is responsible for all transactions made under the authorization of his or her ID and password.
4. Access a file on a University-owned computer or network without the permission of the owner, to copy, rename, modify, or examine it, or to change file protection or visibility. Lack of protection on a file does not imply right of access.
5. Interrupt or inhibit the access of others to Drake University technology resources by actions such as distributing computer viruses, worms, or bulk email. This includes any other procedures that interfere in any way with the information technology resources available to a user, including any act prohibited by Iowa Code chapters 715 or 716B. Current virus-scanning software is required for all student computers.
6. Operate a University-owned computer in a manner that is otherwise wasteful of any computing or network resource.
7. Gain access to Drake University technology resources when one is no longer an eligible user.
8. Display text or graphic files that reasonably may be considered offensive or that are illegal under obscenity statutes, such as federal law (47 U.S.C. § 231) or Iowa law (Iowa Code chapter 728). As potential consumers of these materials, users are expected to exercise proper judgment and sensitivity as to how and where these materials are displayed. Users should not be subjected to sexually explicit material, hate literature, or other offensive displays.
9. Employ a computer to annoy or harass other users; for example, to send obscene, abusive, or threatening mail, or email.
10. Use a computer to commit academic misconduct, as defined in the Code of Conduct.
11. Misuse information accessed while performing work as a Drake University employee. Information stored on administrative computers is confidential. Use or distribution of such information other than as authorized or assigned is prohibited by University policy and state and federal laws.
12. Access or attempt to access any of the University’s administrative systems and records unless explicit permission has been granted by the Data Owner or their designee; read, delete, or in any way modify any such data without explicit permission; distribute, publish, or in any way make known any such data to unauthorized persons.
13. Use University-owned computer resources for commercial work except as permitted by faculty and staff handbooks and licensing agreements.
14. Tamper with terminals, computers, printers or any other associated University-owned equipment. Remove, without authorization, computer equipment, data storage devices, paper documentation, data, or other technology resources.
15. Connect unauthorized devices such as network hubs, switches, or routers to Drake's computer network. Connection of devices for entertainment or amusement purposes is permitted if the device can be configured securely, but is not supported.
Consequences of Violating Drake’s Acceptable Use Policy
A violation of this policy constitutes non-academic misconduct, punishable under the Code of Conduct. Specifically,
1. A violation of the terms and conditions of this Policy may result in immediate denial of computer/network access or service and/or penalties that range from the loss of computing privileges to suspension or expulsion from the University.
2. In the case of student violations involving the University administrative systems and data, the Dean of Students will consult with the Data Owner concerned regarding the severity and impact of any proven violation.
3. Students who commit violations while acting as Drake employees may be subject to both administrative and student penalties. Depending on the severity of the offence, penalties may include termination for employment and expulsion.
4. Policy violators are liable for any monetary payment or damages and may also be subject to civil or criminal prosecution under state and federal laws and regulations.
5. Drake Technology Services will not provide support to users who fail to follow the Acceptable Use Policy.
The Drake Acceptable Use Policy for computer resources prohibits the use of the Drake network, or any Drake resources, in violation of copyright laws (such as by illegally downloading copyrighted materials (e.g., music and movies) from services such as BitTorrent). Students should also be aware that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities.
Violation of Copyright Is a Serious Offense
Using a computer to copy, download, or store any copyrighted material (text, images, music, movies, etc.) without authorization is a violation of the law, and leaves you liable, on conviction, to imprisonment, heavy fines, and/or damages. Owners of copyright have become much more assertive of their rights recently, and are taking legal action against those whom they believe are violating their copyrighted property. For information about copyright law, see
The University has taken steps under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 512) including the appointment of a Drake University Campus Agent for Copyright, and the establishment of a procedure whereby complaints that a member of the Drake community has violated copyright are investigated. By complying with these steps under the Act, the University has protected itself from a claim of infringement. Individuals, however, can still be the target of copyright complaints.
A complaint may result in the disputed material being removed from any web site or computer using Drake resources, until that complaint is resolved. The Campus Agent may deem it necessary to take such immediate action in order to protect the copyright of others. In the event that the Campus Agent finds that the material violates copyright, that material will be removed permanently, and disciplinary action may be taken against the offender.
If the matter cannot be resolved amicably between the alleged student violator, the Campus Agent and the complainant, then the Campus Agent will refer the matter to the Dean of Students, for possible disciplinary action.
Repeat copyright infringers may be barred from access to the University's computer network.
Users learning of suspected policy violations by students should notify the Dean of Students’ Office.
If you believe that any material on the Drake website, or material crossing the Drake network, infringes your copyright, you should notify the Campus Agent for Copyright, specifying the nature of the alleged infringement, and demonstrating your claim. Contact the Office of the Provost for the Drake Campus Agent, registered with the Copyright Office.
If you believe that your copyrighted material has been improperly used on a website, you should contact the Campus Agent for Copyright at the site. You can find the name of that person at: Contact that person and make your complaint, providing whatever information you can which establishes your copyright to the material.
Privacy and Compliance with State and Federal law
Drake University seeks to protect computer-based information, recognized as a primary administrative, educational, and research asset, from accidental or intentional unauthorized modification, misuse, destruction, disruption, or disclosure. In support of its effort to protect the integrity of its computing systems, workstations, networks, lab facilities, etc., the University has the right to monitor its computing facilities. To the extent permissible under state and federal law, the University may monitor its systems, including individual login sessions, to determine if a user is acting in violation of University policies or state and federal law. Users of the University’s technology systems should not have an expectation of privacy when using the University’s systems.
USA Patriot Act Notice
The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (“USA Patriot Act”) expands the authority of local, state, and federal law enforcement to gain access to educational records, including stored electronic data and communications. The USA Patriot Acts also expands the ways in which law enforcement officials may track Internet usage and conduct computer network surveillance.
When the University receives an order, warrant, subpoena, or other request for stored electronic data or communications or to perform surveillance, the University shall request a copy of the document specifying what records are requested or what tracking or surveillance is authorized and will comply with any and all requests in a timely manner. The University may consult with legal counsel prior to the release of any records or prior to authorizing any surveillance.
The University will inform the person whose stored electronic data or communications have been requested or obtained, unless doing so would violate any statute, court order, warrant, or subpoena. If the University provides information to the government or allows the government to conduct surveillance pursuant to a USA Patriot Act request, the University may not notify anyone, including the person whose information is being provided or whose information is under surveillance. The University will not disclose to third parties the fact that information has been requested or obtained on an individual or that surveillance has been conducted, unless the individual consents or the University is compelled to make the disclosure by order, warrant, subpoena, or other process.
Drake University does not warrant that the functions or services performed by or that the information or software contained on the University’s technology resources will be kept confidential, meet the user’s requirements or that the resources will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects will be corrected. The University does not make any warranties, whether express or implied including, without limitation, those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any technological products or services or any information or software contained therein.
Student E-Mail Policy
In order to provide easy communication among students, faculty and staff, Drake aims to provide a convenient, fast, functional, and reliable mail server, which students can access on- or off-campus using a web browser or an email client of their choice.
Drake’s goal is to support academic needs at a reasonable cost in money and staff time. Accordingly,
1. Drake does not permit forwarding of messages from Drake student accounts to other services such as Hotmail or Yahoo. It is a responsibility of students as members of the Drake community to check their Drake accounts regularly for messages from faculty and administrators. Students are of course welcome to continue using their Hotmail, etc. accounts for their own, non-academic purposes.
2. A disk quota of 50 gigabytes is allocated (enough room for thousands of emails). A warning will be sent to student when the limit is approached, and when it is reached, the mailbox will not be able to receive any messages. Space used can be checked in the options area of Office 365 webmail.
3. Accounts remain active for approximately 3 years after date of graduation, at which time the account and all data are permanently deleted.
Drake Website Policies
The full Web policy is at The Web Policy Committee has responsibility for monitoring compliance with policy when it receives reports or complaints about possible breaches.
1. If the WPC believes the complaint is justified, and that a page is not in compliance, it will ask the page owner to make changes to bring it into compliance.
2. If agreement cannot be reached, a complaint of alleged breaches of policy will be filed according to the Code of Student Conduct.
3. If the Judicial Board agrees that the page is in violation, the page owner will be asked to correct the problem, and the WPC has the power to enforce the Board’s decision.
4. If the WPC and the Board disagree, the matter will be referred to the Dean of Students for a decision.
5. Complaints of alleged breaches of policy by officially recognized student publications will be referred to the Board of Student Communications.